The Influence of Philosophical Upanishads’ Considerations on the Principles of Vedanta
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Published: 21 June 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Upanishads embody the philosophical and mystical underpinnings of Hinduism that seek to reach deeper layers of religion and gain self-awareness. Upanishads look at the unity of the world, human beings and Brahman. The most important principle of the Upanishads is the unity of Brahman and Atman. Upanishads begin with an inner journey, but one must be prepared for the inner journey and good deeds. Man must provide moral and spiritual foundations by thinking and attaining self-knowledge in order to achieve salvation or Moksha. The central theme of the Upanishads is Brahman who affects everything but nothing can affect on him, as in time, place, and people. In this article, we attempt to illustrate the influence of these ancient mystical texts on the Vedanta school by describing the position of Brahman and Atman and the concept of unity between them.
Keywords: Upanishads, Vedanta, Brahman, Atman, Unity.

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How to Cite
Mohammad reza Afroogh, Ali reza Khajegir, Mohsen Fahim. (2020-06-21). "The Influence of Philosophical Upanishads’ Considerations on the Principles of Vedanta." *Volume 4*, 2, 16-21